Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2

Magento 2 Customer Group Payment Shipping Method

Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2
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Shipping & Payment methods are backbone for Magento 2 that helps in providing a better shopping experience to your shoppers. With help of Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group extension, you can easily show/hide specific shipping & payment methods per customer groups. The extension allows Magento 2 store owners to personalize their customer’s checkout experience by showcasing only limited shipping & payment methods for each customer group.

  • Simple to activate and easy to configure the extension.
  • The extension improves the customer checkout experience.
  • Show/hide specific shipping & payment method for customer group.
  • Customers in specific groups will only be able to use the allowed shipping & payment options.
  • Store admin can assign the right shipping & payment options to the right customer group.
  • The extension comes with an easy to manage backend grid to assign shipping & payment options.
  • The extension makes it easy to manage international orders by assigning specific shipping & payment options.
  • Helps to elevate the user experience for your Magento 2 store.
  • Also, helps to personalize the shipping & payment experience of different customer groups.

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Product Description

Shipping and Payment Methods per Customer group in Magento 2 act as a catalyst for the success of any eCommerce store in today’s digital space. Sometimes, store owners require to showcase some of shipping and payment methods only to their wholesaler’s customer groups based on their heavy transactions or large deliveries. But it should not be visible to their retailer customer group based on their normal orders. By default, Magento 2 does not offer such functionality to restrict some shipping & payment methods for specific customer groups. Thus, managing the availability of shipping & payment methods for different customers become a mess for store admins. However, making all the options visible in frontend leads business to have unnecessary transactions of extra costs. It could hinder the growth of your sales & conversion ratio which ultimately affects your business revenue.

Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension by Mconnect Media gives power to store admin to control all the shipping & payment methods visibility based on customer groups. The extension is simple to activate & easy to configure. Once it configured properly, the extension will only show the assigned shipping & payment method at checkout. Customers of specific groups will only have those options to choose shipping & payment methods appearing at checkout. Store admins can easily assign the shipping & payment method using easy to manage backend grid. Remember that the shipping & payment method you assign to a specific group must first be enabled & configured properly to show up at checkout.

Suppose you have Magento 2 store that deals with international as well as domestic orders. Also, you take wholesale orders in addition to retail orders. First, you must have to segment those customers into their specific groups. The shipping & payment methods vary for international, domestic, wholesale & retail orders. And you want to personalize the shipping & payment option for each type. But default Magento 2 does not offer such personalization. However, this Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension will help you to only show the assigned shipping & payment method to smoothen the checkout process of your different customer type.

All in all, the Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2 extension helps to elevate the user experience of your Magento 2 store by assigning personalized shipping & payment methods to each customer group as you need.

Functionality Included in Extension

  • Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension

    Enable/Disable the Extension

    To enable the extension, select Yes and click on Save Config on the top right corner. Select No to disable.

  • Customer Group Shipping & Payment

    Go to Customers>All Customers to club customers into a group to assign specific shipping and payment options. Select customers you want to club together then click on Assign a Customer Group from the Actions Dropdown menu.

    Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension
  • Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension

    Shipping per Customer Group

    Now, go to Customers>Customer Group. Click on the edit button of the customer group you want to assign a shipping method from the dropdown menu in the Action tab. On the next page, select the preferred methods of shipping to assign to that respective group. The shipping methods must be enabled and configured prior to assigning.

  • Payment per Customer Group

    On the same customer group edit page, you can assign applicable payment methods for that respective group. You can assign more than one shipping or payment method for each respective customer group. The payment method must be enabled and configured before assigning.

    Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension
  • Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension

    Personalize Checkout Experience

    The shipping and payment method you have assigned to a particular customer group will appear at the checkout. It will personalize the checkout experience of customers by providing preferred options.

  • Boost Sales with User Experience

    The personalized checkout experience helps to improve the shopping experience of users and ultimately boosts sales as well as reduces cart abandonment rate.

    Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group Extension

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