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Product Attachment Extension for Magento 2 - File Upload

Product Attachments for Magento 2

Product Attachment Extension for Magento 2 - File Upload
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Enhance your product information with downloadable attachments like user guides, tutorials, and videos. Easily upload images, videos, and documents from the backend grid to provide clear details to your customers, helping them make informed purchase decisions.

  • Add an unlimited number of product attachments to each product
  • Show icons and upload file formats such as gif, Png, jpg, or jpeg.
  • Backend grid to manage uploaded files conveniently
  • Uses AJAX to upload multiple files without reloading the page
  • Frontend separate tab based list view design to display attachments
  • Automatically detects the file type and shows it with icon, title & size
  • Option to restrict product attachments to guest customers
  • Allow multiple attachments for a single product and vice versa
  • Configure the file visibility on specific store views and customer groups
  • Sync one uploaded document with multiple products, categories and CMS pages
  • Provide customer additional information in the form of video, tutorials, images, doc files, ppt, etc.
  • Backend option to choose from accepted product file attachment formats.
  • InstantHelp Center
  • 90 DaysFree Support
  • FreeLifetime Updates
  • Meet MagentoStandards

Product Description

While making an online purchase, not all customers are aware of products, or they cant touch or have real experience of that product. So the only way for them is to make their purchase decision from available information on the product page instead of asking you for every detail. In general, half of Ecommerce store customers drop their purchase due to a lack of information on product pages such as usage, features, warranty, benefits, etc. At that time, you have to attach more images, videos, or docs to convince your customers easily without increasing your page length.
Mconnect Product Attachment Extension for Magento 2 allows you to attach downloadable files or upload manuals, presentations, videos, images, and other essential data to your store products. The extension supports all popular file attachment formats, so you can easily upload video tutorials, user manuals, warranties, price lists, presentations, use cases, installation instructions, etc. And, your customer will able to download such files from the frontend product page. Using this extension, give better exposer to your products, and to provide more detailed information about your products or services with the help of downloadable file attachments.
For example, if you are selling digital products online in your Magento 2 store, then you can use this extension to attach files such as setup instructions, features explanatory video, user manual, licenses, price lists, as well as warranty/returns/service docs.
The extension comes with a featured pack 'product file upload' grid to manage all the product attachments in one place. Plus, it uses AJAX to upload one and more files simultaneously. There is a choice to restrict such product attachments to the non-logged users or specific store views if needed. In such a case, you can also redirect your users to the login page with your own customized message. Use backend option to set accepted file type formats like JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, CSV, BMP, TXT, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, PPT, PPTX, MP4, AVI, GIF, XML, SWF, FLV, MOV or ZIP that you want to upload. Once you setup everything, all the uploaded files will be displayed as a separate “Product Files” tab on the product page to list all downloadable product attachments.
Ultimately, this sales booster extension will help your customers to know more about the product clearly and made their purchase decision to maximize your sales respectively. So, what are you waiting for! Download it now.

Functionality Included in Extension

  • Enable/Disable Product File Upload/Download Extension

    Choose "Yes" or "No" to enable or disable Mconnect Product File Upload extension respectively.

  • Upload Files Of Multiple Type

    Admin can upload or attach any kind of product files like jpg, png, doc, pdf, rar, zip, text and many more.

    magento 2 attach pdf to product
  • custom module image upload

    Ability to Restrict Download for Non-Logged in User

    Admin can have the ability to control the product file download for the non-logged user. A user must log in to download the file.

  • Set the Reffereal Redirect Page After Login and Login Text

    If "Yes", the user will remain on the same page after login. Set the custom text to be shown after successful login.

    admin product grid
  • add pdf to product

    Add File To Specific Product From Catalogue Module

    Add file to a specific product from the catalog module. Navigate to Product File Upload option and Attach File.

  • Select Previously Uploaded File for the Product from Product Grid

    Admin has the ability to upload the new file or choose from the previously attached file from the product grid menu.

    extended product grid
  • upload file admin

    Ability to choose store view.

    Admin can upload product file to multi-store view also by selecting store view here.

  • Product Attachment/File Download At Storefront

    The attached product file will be shown at the storefront on product detail page under "Product Files" tab.

    magento 2 file download

Why Our Extension

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