Magento 2 Extensions

Choose from 579+ Best Featured pack Magento 2 Extensions that are built according to Magento 2 Coding Standards for both CE & EE. All the Magento 2 Extensions are designed & developed by our Certified Magento 2 Developers Team to improve your Magento 2 store scalability, flexibility, and performance dramatically. These Magento 2 Extensions are built professionally to enhance your Magento 2 store functionality in order to save your precious time & efforts and money by reducing development cost. All the extensions comes with 90 days of Free support and 100% Client satisfaction.

  1. Advanced Ajax Layered Navigation for Magento 2
    Magento 2 layered navigation product filter by multiple attributes &category. Horizontal & vertical, ajax price slider, rating, stock filter.
  2. Google reCaptcha Extension for Magento 2
    Secures critical forms like login, registration, checkout, contact us, and forgotten password pages And Protects both front-end and admin panel forms.
  3. Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group for Magento 2
    Show/hide specific shipping & payment methods for each customer group to personalize the checkout experience.
  4. Product Label, Ribbon Extension for Magento 2
    Now it's easy to add enticing labels to your product images. Conditional display and Sticker Library are an added advantage!
  5. Product Icon Logo Gallery Extension for Magento 2
    Get easy to implement the solution for adding icons, logos to the vast catalog of your eCommerce store.
  6. Shipping Rules for Magento  2 - Custom Shipping Method
    Is the shipping cost provided by the shipping carriers are not suitable for your business? Create multiple shipping rules based on customer or product attributes.
  7. Product Attachment Extension for Magento 2 - File Upload
    Add unlimited files to product with seprate tab and allow user to downlod the file to know more about your product and purchase easliy.
  8. Mconnect Fast Cart Checkout Extension for Magento 2
    Encourage customers to purchase more by showing remaining amount that is needed to reach the free shipping target.
  9. Store Locator Google Map Extension for Magento 2
    Get better user experience by showing your business store or dealer’s physical address on Google Map.
  10. Track Order & Shipment Status Extension for Magento 2
    Help your customers to keep track of their orders and product shipping status without login.
  11. Gift Card & Certificate Extension for Magento 2
    It facilitates your customer to purchase and send virtual gift card, voucher or certificate to their lovable person.
  12. Product Image Flipper Extension for Magento 2
    Flip an image and video on mouseover effect to improve product representation and click through rate.
  13. Ajax Price Slider / Filter Extension for Magento 2
    Customer can filter the product according to their custom price range without reloading page.
  14. Ajax Product Infinite Scroll Extension For Magento 2
    Using infinite scroll, customers can browse product catalog nonstop without re-loading.
  15. Advanced Product FAQ Extension for Magento 2
    Create the most common questions and answers about your product or service and put at FAQ section.
  16. Advance Matrix Rate Shipping Extension for Magento 2
    Allow store owners to calculate shipping cost as per the product weight, subtotal order or no. of items in cart.
  17. Country Specific Flat Rate Shipping Extension for Magento 2
    Extension facilitates user to define shipping rates as per product as well as per country.
  18. Product Part Finder Extension for Magento 2
    Let the visitors quickly filter the product with the specific attributes & fields with Parts Finder.
  19. Customer Specific Product & Price Extension for Magento 2
    Restrict catalog permission. Hide/show specific product and assign custom price to customer and group.
  20. Google Rich Snippets Extension for Magento 2
    Increase traffic and visibility on search engine and social media platform by decorating listing with information.
  21. Advanced Ajax Login & Register Extension for Magento 2
    Users can login & visitors can register from the page they are on w/o being redirected to other pages or reload.
  22. Search Autocomplete & Suggest Extension for Magento 2
    Let the visitors find their product quickly with instant auto complete catalog search and suggestion functionality.
  23. Flat Rate Shipping Per Product Extension for Magento 2
    Indicate different flat shipping rates for each products in catalog. Calculation is based on per product or per order.
  24. Out of Stock Notification Extension for Magento 2
    Send notification email to out-of-stock subscriber when product back in stock. Works with configurable products.
  25. Brand Logo / Manufacturer Slider Extension for Magento 2
    Display responsive logo slider with all the brands from the products. Pause on Hover. Auto Sliding. Pager facility.
  26. Nested Promotional Banner Slider for Magento® 2
    Give your Magento store professional and attractive look by making multiple rwd tabs & sliders.
  27. Photo (Image) Gallery View Extension for Magento 2
    Let your customers show the different images of product in gallery view slider. Improve visibility of your product.
  28. Angular Product Infinite Scroll Extension for Magento 2
    Offers customers a fast way to view the products on category page as well as on search result page.
  29. Featured Product Slider Extension for Magento 2
    Showcase your recommended product’s responsive slider on storefront in a separate block.
  30. Ajax Login Basic Popup Extension for Magento 2
    Allow user to directly login through popup on current page without page reloading. Set URL redirection on login.
  31. Mconnect Product Quick View Extension for Magento 2
    Improve product browsing by providing users a quick product preview and Ajax add to cart at category page.
  • 90 Days Free Update Support

    90 Days

  • Response within 24 Hours

    24 Hours

We love Magento and we are dedicatedly passionate about Magento

Developed 45+ Magento extension. We’ve excelled in customizing more than 200 Magento modules. You can undoubtedly trust us with developing a unique module for your own store.

We follow latest trends design, user behaviour and social media activates that’s helps to generate better eCommerce solutions. We follow structure code considering future growth and software updates with ease.

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