Serving people with what they want as a need or luxury is an interesting as well as a tough job. You need to manage everything simultaneously starting from stock, packing, shipping, delivery of products, customers and their accounts etc. And you also need to focus on your Business benefits.
The success for your business can be calculated by counting on the profit you have made from products or by counting on the number of happy and satisfied customers you have. A happy customer helps in making the best business. However, you need to maintain in creating best customer experience at every stage of the online shopping.
The Auto Complete Search Extension for Magento ® 2 helps you to create the user experience at the very first stage of shopping i.e. product search. This extension gives search results for the products while the customer is entering the keywords in the search field.
It shows the relevant products in the search results with some basic product details and Add to Cart button.
Let us see what features this extension has:
- Shows the product in search results with 3 characters in the search field
- Optionally shows category, parent category and CMS pages of the searched products
- Check all the found products by clicking on View All option at the bottom
- Displays the number of products found in the search results
- To make the purchase easy it comes with Add to Cart button with products
- Different attributes for the products can be selected to show in the search results
How to apply the Extension in your store?
Now as you know about the Auto Complete Search Extension, let us proceed with applying the extension in your store. For this, you need to configure the extension as shown below:
- Sign in to the Magento Extension Administrator Panel.
- Navigate to Stores > Configuration > M-Connect Media > Auto Complete Search.
- General Setting Screen opens.
- Enable: Select yes to enable the extension on your store.
- Number of Searched Product: Here, you can mention the number of products appearing as the search results. In the screen shot above, it is mentioned 25. You can put the number as per your requirements.
- Minimum characters needed for Search: The minimum number of characters which are needed to search any product on the Magento store is 3 by default.
- Enable View All Link: Enable or Disable to show the View All link on the search results page.
- View all Link Text: In this field you can give the name to the view all link. Here, View All is mentioned and it will appear at the bottom of the search results.
- Display Search Results Count: Select yes to display the number of products found in the search results.
- Display Product data: You can press Control and select the product data from the table to show on the product search results.
- Avoid Pages in Search results: Select yes or no to avoid the display of pages in search results.
- Pages Unique Identifier:
- Category Search Enable: Enable or Disable displaying the category of the product on the search results page.
- Enable with Parent Category: Enable or Disable to show the Parent category along with the product category on the search results page.
- Click on ‘Save Config’ to save the configuration settings.
Front-end View :
Back-end Setting :
Use the Auto Complete Search Extension specially developed for Magento 2 by M-Connect Media and help your customers with their searching and making them Happy!
Don’t forget to share your feedback about the extension. If you need any help while configuration, contact our Experienced Magento® 2 extension developers. Happy Selling!
I think this is a great extension from the customers point of view. The customers spend so much of their time in searching for the apt product. I am not sure about the back-end thing but this blog post can be useful for my younger brother, who is the owner of a medium sized online retail shop. Thank you guys for sharing this!
Many a times, the main issue our customers face is searching for the right product among the thousands of them. And, when they are unable to find any, then they exit the site and might never come back. I have sometimes faced the same situations. Thank you for sharing the information about this extension. I might use this in near future!